Top best online experiences
I am not sure why some men think this, but they often see us women on sex cams as not like any other woman out there. I have my great days and then just like you there are days when everything goes wrong. Of course, the sites will tell us that we should never share that with you guys, but I am a real person. A significant chunk of my day is spent with all of you, and I feel it would be a disservice if I lied to you.
We both know that you will pick up on my emotional state
One fan, throughout all my time, online is directly connected with how I feel. He works odd hours like four days a week on and three off, so we often hang out. My online friend is someone I can depend on to get me off we have fabulous orgasms together in private. There is something about a person who goes out of their way to make me feel like I am the best woman in the world to them. We will never be in the same room because our lives are so different. He is happily married to a woman that built him a home. I am thankfully doing my thing my way, and that will not change. When we get together in private, our guard goes down, allowing us to explore kinky desires that he would never ask of his wife. I enjoy being naughty; it is a stress reliever for me, and I like the power it offers. We do not play often, but he is there when I have the horrible days to turn them into excellent nights.
What I enjoy about sex cam is that I play with so many different types of people
Another of my favorite online friends has an uncanny ability to read my mind or maybe read my mood. Most guys pick what they want to play with, and that is great for them. I enjoy giving people pleasure that is part of the reason why I am here every night. I like to watch a man stroke his cock because I made him incredibly hard. This friend seems to know without me saying what toy I want to play with at that time. That makes our time spent together a bit more special. He does not get to play with me very often because his job takes him all over the world. It is a lot of fun though when he is sitting in an exotic location showing me the view from his hotel room. What makes this guy so unique is it is all about me he never strokes his cock. All his pleasure comes from watching me with my toys and giving me the time to have an intense orgasm for him. There are many play sessions where he will tell me to do it again. He has also tipped me so I could get a new toy for us to play with.
The guy that spends the most time with me is retired he gets up for his morning run and then comes into my room
There are some days he will arrange to watch me do the most mundane activities in private. I will wake up to my alarm flip on my sex cam still in bed with no makeup on. Together we will go into the shower where I will shave my legs, wash my hair, and brush my teeth. I asked him once why he enjoys such things, and he said women are the most beautiful when they are natural. He s not some anti makeup gentleman I have met a few of those. I will set him on a shelf in my bathroom while I blow my hair dry and then style it. When we first started having these sessions, I felt the need to talk to him but not I understand he enjoys the silence of my daily ritual. One of his favorite things to do is watch me put on my makeup. Through all our sessions, he has pointed out these little things that most women do. The first is applying our mascara we get up on our tippi toes (or at least I do) and stretch our face out while raising our eyebrows. It is so silly this little action, and he enjoys every second. Then there is the application of lip liner I tend to put my lips while I draw a fake line around them. I like vibrant colors of lipstick, so I rub it across my lips several times before kissing a piece of tissue paper. Most of my rituals in the bathroom he quietly observes it reminds me of a boyfriend standing in the doorway while I get ready for a night out. I am not much of a breakfast person, so we chat a bit over something light. He asks a lot about things going on in my life what my plans are for the day what shopping I have to do. Our talks are not just about small stuff; we often have long in-depth discussions regarding serious subjects. I enjoy our time because he will push me intellectually and treats me like a woman of value to him.
I do not broadcast to outside people what I do, but I do not hide it either. Being on a sex cam is an integral part of my life. Over the years, I have been asked by people who not understand this world why I would let myself be treated like I am. Generally, women are the ones who take the most offense to my work. Those types of inquiries used to upset me, but now I take a moment to remember these men and others who have enriched my life. Not every person I meet online becomes special, but those that do make this adventure one of the most fulfilling.
I look forward to getting to know you in my sex cam room.